Monday, December 19, 2011

thoughts on worry...

my thoughts on worry are as follows:
there is so much to worry about... where do i even begin? i find that i worry superfluously about things that (a) will probably never happen, (b) are completely out of my control if they do happen, and (c) probably wouldnt end the world as i know it anyway. so my question is this... if my rational mind knows that the afore mentioned things are true, why then do i continue to worry? and how do i stop!?
i feel as though many people i know are rowing up stream in this same dinghy... it's a vicious cycle really. i wake up worried about my day (my schedule, my paperwork, my patients, etc...). i worry while i lay in bed contemplating getting up, instead of resting a few more minutes. then i worry while i am in the shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and making breakfast. for a brief moment, i rock out to an awesome song on my ipod, then i worry some more. after worrying all the way to work, i get into my office only to find i was, of course, worried over nothing. i take a deep breath. then i proceed to invent new things to worry about (because it worries me when there is nothing to worry about!!!) i worry why the boy hasnt called, what that abrupt text from the best friend REALLY meant, what the doctor will say at mom's appointment today, if that funny sound i heard in the car meant something was wrong (and how will i ever afford it if it is!?), will i find time to go to the gym today, am i gaining weight, has anyone at work noticed im gaining weight, what if i gain all my weight back (OH MY GOD)!!! and by this time, it's time to worry about what i will have for lunch, which is a ridiculous thing to worry about, because no matter what, i will have food to eat. the cycle continues throughout the work day, despite how busy or un-busy the day is (because the little obnoxious voice of worry is always in the back of your mind), and when 4:30 comes along, i drive home, and i should be relaxed. but wouldnt you know it? before i can let myself relax, ive created an entire NEW list of crap to worry about, and before today is even over, ive begun worrying about tomorrow.
now here's the odd part... i am not always this way. i go for rather extensive periods of time worrying about virtually nothing (or, at the very least, completely ignoring it). i may not have the answers to any of life's pressing questions, and i am ok with that. it isn't quite apathy. i prefer to call it freedom, and actually, i find as i get older, i feel this way more often than not... so why is it then, that worry can strike without warning with seemingly no rhyme or reason? because certainly worry is all for naught. trying to solve the world's problems by worrying is no more effective than trying to solve an algebra problem by chewing bubble gum.
so i will end with these thoughts, not my own, but oh so relevant nonetheless (and much more eloquent than any of my rambling above...)
"Worry is pointless. Do not worry about the things you cannot change. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM. Do not worry about the things you can change. CHANGE THEM."
"Worry does not strip tomorrow of its trouble. It strips today of its joy."
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough troubles of its own."


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