Tuesday, January 7, 2014

oh, to love like my dog does...

For those of you who do not know, shortly after our wedding this past September, my husband and I made a decision to transform our little twosome into a family. While many (most) of our friends have begun having children, we decided that, for the time being, a 4 month old puppy would make the perfect addition to our life. We could not have been more right. 

First off, let me say, Hatfield believes he is a people. He has claimed full ownership of the couch and bed, LOVES to be carried like an infant, and demands that he know where both Jesse and I are at all times. Much like a customer that obnoxiously slurps his drink to alert a waitress that he is (ahem!) out of a beverage, our Hatfield will slurp his tongue loudly around an empty water bowl and gaze intently in our direction, lest we somehow not notice. He is smart, sweet, stubborn, protective, cuddly, and somewhat demanding - I guess he bears some qualities of his parents...

Being a puppy parent has taught me so much. In just a few short months, I have learned new levels of both frustration and patience. I have learned to tell the difference between when my puppy has to go to the bathroom and when there is a noise outside he would like to explore. I have learned new ways to worry. I have learned the pride of showing off a collection of absolutely adorable pictures to friends, family, and heck, even strangers! 

But I have to admit, of all the things being a puppy mommy has taught me, the greatest of these is love. Allow me to explain...

After dinner tonight, Jess and I settled in, he to work on some music and I to check my emails and pay some bills. Hatfield was, per usual, romping around the apartment, finding entertainment in all the things a 6 month old puppy finds entertainment in. As my fingertips tapped away at my keyboard, I was suddenly interrupted by a small thud on my right thigh. Looking down, I saw my puppy as he gently placed his favorite toy (a bright green rubber ring) into my lap and began to gently lick at my arm. He then turned a small circle on the couch and curled up next to me. Although he had brought me his favorite toy, he had not, in fact, sought me out to play. He simply wanted to be near me and to let me know he loved me.

Wow. What a thought. While I hustled and bustled about my "important" errands, offering only a passing stroke of the ear or scratch of the back to my puppy as I busied myself, all he longed for was to be near me. To love me and to enjoy my presence...

Lord, help me to love like my dog. Without selfishness or agenda. Help me to find comfort and peace and complete joy simply in the presence of those I love. Help me to offer the best of me to them, seeking nothing in return. Oh, that I may love like my dog...