Sunday, November 20, 2011

an unconventional list of thankfulness...

Given the time of year, I find it not the least bit surprising that I have recently been inundated with the facebook/twitter/blog posts of friends who have chosen to carry out some form of the '30 days of thankfulness'. I LOVE this idea, and am thoroughly enjoying reading daily the things that my friends and loved ones are ever so thankful for in their lives. I, however, find myself in a current state of reinvention, the foundation of which is a complete rennovation of the perspectives and attitudes I have submitted myself to for far too long. Thus, I have decided to generate a list of the things that, prior to my recent shift in being, would have bothered, troubled, stressed, irritated, or concerned me, and then to skew my perspective and find reason to be ever so thankful for each... I whole heartedly encourage you to add to this list the 'unconventional' things in your life that you are thankful for.

  • I am thankful for the 5lbs that I will undoubtedly gain between Thanksgiving and New Years, as it means that I have been blessed with an abundance of food (and loved ones to eat with!)
  • I am thankful for the 5:30am alarm clock that disturbs my dreams, as it means that I have been blessed with a steady and secure job.
  • I am thankful for the times that I will miss the man I am dating due to his hectic work schedule, as it means that I have been blessed with a wonderful man to miss (and it makes the time spent together that much sweeter!)
  • I am thankful for the California drivers who have NO clue how to drive in the rain, as it means that I have been blessed with a car to drive and places to drive to (often for fun!) and
  • I am thankful for my rent payment/gas bill/electric bill, as it means that I have a home of my own that is safe and warm; somewhere I can welcome friends and family to share in laughter and tears at anytime I desire.
  • I am thankful for the 2 times I will have to hug my brother goodbye and watch him head back to minnesota, as it means that I have been blessed with the opportunity to see my brother twice this holiday season!
  • I am thankful for long lines at grocery stores, shopping malls, starbucks, and restaurants, as it means that despite economic instability, people have chosen to embrace the spirit of the holidays and found ways to continue doing the things that bring them joy.
Overall, I am thankful. The spirit of the holidays is a spirit of gratitude, and I hope that in embodying that spirit, I will find my heart overwhelmed with joy. I have indeed been so blessed. <3

Friday, November 11, 2011

an introduction to my mind...

I don't know who's going to read this. I don't know how profound or poignant or entertaining this will be. I guarantee nothing. However, I do know that the creativity I once found flowing from my fingertips (mostly during my college days) seems to have found its way back to me once more. I suppose you could say I am once again 'inspired', be that as a result of circumstance, love, or divine intervention...

So... welcome to the random world that is my mind. I promise to candid and honest with my thoughts and opinions (like them or don't). Enjoy.